Psychometric Assessments

We offer a wide range of validated psychometric tools measuring personality, ability, motivation, reasoning skills, and managerial judgement. Our consultants are accredited practitioners in:

·       SHL Assessment Suite - Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ), Motivation Questionnaire (MQ) and Verify suite of aptitude tests

·       Saville Assessment – Wave Personality Questionnaire

·       Hogan Assessments

·       Facet5 Personality Profiling

·       Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

·       DISC Profile

·       A BRAVE LEADER 360

As well as reducing time and costs associated with recruitment through online objective assessment, these assessments can form the foundations of team building and leadership development programs. Interpreted reports and feedback from a psychologist ensure clear and relevant communication and insights, whether it is for candidates, managers or HR. Our extensive experience in designing bespoke capability frameworks also provides us with the flexibility and know-how to effectively tailor capability or competency-based assessment reports to reflect your specific organisational context.


Executive Assessment

Our comprehensive executive assessment service is designed specifically to assist in selecting or developing senior managers and executives. As objective observers following a thorough scoping process, we incorporate personality questionnaires, ability tests, competency-based interviews, a range of simulation exercises and targeted feedback, to provide a broad and objective view of a person’s suitability and ‘fit’ for a role.